Green seasoning
Where it began
My first introduction to Green seasoning was on my visit to St Lucia many years ago. A friend told me that I needed to try it. I brought it. I eventually used the green seasoning on lamb, chicken, the list goes on. I just couldn’t stop using it. I kept buying the bottle. After looking into becoming more healthy and using a lot more natural products, I stopped using any bottled products that had a lot of preservatives. I attempted to make the ingredients on the bottles but it didn’t have the same taste so I started to make my own adding and taking away until I came up with the perfect recipe. I sourced as many organic ingredients as possible so that it wouldn’t have any preservatives and have been making it for my family ever since .
How it’s going
Taste Of Distinction was launched
I started to share green seasoning with my friends and they began asking me for more. It was then that I decided to launch “Green Seasoning” and make it available to everyone. My passion is for as many of us to use more natural products and make them apart of our healthy diets.